Morgellons Disease – What is It?

While the exact cause of Morgellons disease is unknown, the condition is characterized by skin lesions, itchiness, and stinging. In addition to these symptoms, patients may also experience pain, a loss of appetite, and a feeling of being suffocated. A CDC study conducted in 2012 looked at 115 patients with the condition and found no common infectious agent or underlying medical condition.
Skin lesions
Morgellons is a condition that causes skin lesions to develop on the body. The lesions are characterized by the presence of biofilms, which are bacterial structures that cling to surfaces and adhere to other things. Like tartar on your teeth, biofilms prevent the body’s immune system from killing off infected cells, allowing the infection to fester and worsen.
The disease is not common and is most common among middle-aged white women. In 2001, Mary Leitao, a mother of a young boy, began reporting symptoms of what appeared to be ‘bugs’ on his skin. She later set up a Web site to help raise awareness of the disease and secure research funding. As of the time of writing, nearly 14,000 people have reported cases to the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF). However, the number of cases is thought to be much higher.
Morgellons is a mysterious skin disease that causes skin lesions and the passage of mysterious fibers through the skin. This disease is also associated with intense itching and is believed to be caused by bugs. Gail Anderson of NPR’s DAY TO DAY explains some of the symptoms of this illness.
The condition can cause a great deal of pain and a decreased quality of life. Sufferers may have difficulty keeping up with their friends and work, and they may even feel depressed. Moreover, scars and wounds may develop. As a result, it is important to develop a supportive team of health care providers. Treatment for Morgellons is complicated and can take a while.
Patients with Morgellons disease report feeling stinging, crawling, and biting sensations all over their body. The condition has been documented in all 50 states and in Canada. Patients describe thread-like fibers stuck in their skin. The stinging and itching sensations are unnerving and hard to describe.
Doctors don’t have any clear-cut treatments for the disease, and it’s not yet recognized as a separate illness. Many believe it’s a delusional disorder caused by a disturbance in the brain’s chemistry. But others believe that the fibers are not caused by an actual parasite but rather by environmental contaminants. Regardless of the cause, the persistent itching and stinging can severely disrupt quality of life.
Those who suffer from irritation due to Morgellons are advised to seek medical treatment at a dermatologist or physician. This condition is more difficult to treat than localized itch. A physician will need to rule out other medical conditions before deciding on a treatment plan. The doctor should also check for any skin abnormalities. Symptoms of this condition may vary between individuals.
Since the outbreak first made headlines in 2007, thousands of people have complained of symptoms. The CDC is conducting a study to determine the cause of morgellons. Hundreds of e-mails and calls have been received by the CDC about the condition. The researchers heard from over 1,200 people in January 2008 alone. The disease was first named by a Pennsylvania mother of a toddler in 2002, but the symptoms were first noted as early as the seventeenth century.
The first record of the disease was published in 1674 by the British physician Sir Thomas Browne, who referred to it as “endemial distemper.” It is a condition in which skin lesions become thick, scaly, and covered with protruding fibers. In 2002, a mother in Pennsylvania noticed that her two-year-old son was suffering from the disease. In response, she started the Morgellons Research Foundation.
In order to diagnose Morgellons, a health care professional must first evaluate the symptoms and history of the patient. He or she will ask questions and perform a physical examination. The provider may also order a skin biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. While there is no known cure for the disease, many patients benefit from medication to treat symptoms related to the disease and/or other health conditions.
If you suspect you have Morgellons disease, it is important to establish a relationship with a caring health care provider. This individual will acknowledge your concerns and discuss all treatment options with you. Ideally, they will work with a multidisciplinary team to find a suitable treatment. Your physician will probably perform tests to rule out known conditions or other conditions with similar symptoms. They will also likely suggest long-term treatment and mental health therapy, if necessary.
The Mayo Clinic recommends that people with Morgellons seek a psychiatric evaluation. The disease can significantly affect a person’s quality of life. They may have trouble keeping up with friends or focusing on work. Additionally, they may experience scarring and wounds that don’t heal. This disease can be very stressful and can take time to treat. As a result, it is important to develop a strong relationship with your doctor, and to be patient and persistent.